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BIG! Wild! Mountains, glaciers and snow for thousands of kilometers. Where to begin...? Here, we have it figured out.

Canada is more than just a ski and snowboard destination, it's a pilgrimage and a rite of passage for all riders.  People from all over the world know the reputation Canada has as being the biggest and best. But where do you begin if it's your first time?  It can be an overwhelming task to organise the "best trip ever" when you find out that the choices are many and your time is limited.


The skiing in Canada is so diverse, and the area so vast, that each mountain range has its own snow characteristics and weather patterns. It would be the equivalent of lumping all of the mountain ranges in Scandinavia, Central Europe, and Eastern Europe together. With over 800000 km² of terrain to explore it can be intimidating to plan a cost effective trip that guarantees you don't miss a thing. You can come back over and over again and never ski the same thing twice.


The best mountain ranges to ski in Canada are the Coast Mountains, the Monashees, the Selkirks, the Purcells, and last but not least the Rocky Mountains. Check out our Road Trip Packages specially designed to show you the best of Canada. Cut out the immense task of planning the logistics, the reservations, and the costs. We've done all the hard work so you can sit back and enjoy the adventure.

White Mantle ABC Pass
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Also, check out the
Aurora Backcountry Pass for season passes and day trips around Whistler!

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